Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Here is a video of one of my drawings
I was kinda going for a pastel look, like I had drawn it using pastels or something like that
I really like the finished drawing, I think its definitely one of my favorites!

Thanks for watching and reading!
<3 Melli

Check out my Facebook page

Monday, May 18, 2015

Being an Artist pt. 2

Last post was all about how it can be hard to be an artist
So this post will be the opposite, How satisfying it is to be an artist
When a piece of art turns out well in the artists eyes, its one the most satisfying feelings ever.
There's a certain point in  the process of drawing where you just realize this one is going to turn out really well, its like a click, a sudden realization, and its actually really exciting!

when I first started drawing portraits, I wasn't super good at it, which is understandable.
I kept going at it, and one day while I was drawing a portrait of my sister and her friend, I suddenly realized that it actually looked like them, and that for me was all I needed to keep going at portrait drawing.
I realized that I could do it, that I had potential to be good at it, and of course, I then went on a spree, drawing portraits of everybody I knew.
and the more I drew the better I got, it was super exciting!

                                   This is the drawing that really had me realize I could draw

Sometimes I look at a blank piece of paper and I'm actually really amazed at what people can do with a pencil, a pen, a paint brush, I've always felt like art is like a peek into somebody's mind, much like every form of art, really.
its like an artist puts out a piece of themselves for everybody to see, and its really really satisfying when people praise it, its a huge self esteem boost!
and I don't always show how proud I am of my art, but I really am, I don't like to boast too much but I think its good to like your own art, its very important as an artist, and if you're too down on yourself about it, it kills the joy and satisfaction.
So as an artist I try to be positive, because it makes me happy haha
writing this post makes me want to go draw something :)

Check out my Facebook page to see more drawings

Thank you for reading! <3 Melli

Friday, May 15, 2015

Being an Artist

I've always wanted to be a good artist, ever since I was little.
with lots of hard work and dedication, I achieved just that.
its not easy being an artist though, you look at your art and if its not exactly the way you want it... it just won't do, but often times that's the case, it almost never comes out the way you saw it in your head.
So you accept that...
...but its not an easy task.

For a long time, I was dissatisfied with my art work, sometimes I still am, and its discouraging when you think your portrait, your landscape or your still life drawing doesn't look right.
I've left so many drawings undone, because of dissatisfaction, I'll say things like "its disproportionate" "the eyes are too small" "her head is too big" etc...
it is fixable. I often ask "how? it looks so wrong, its not possible" buuuuut not true, its totally fixable, granted there are some that just went so wrong its really not, but that doesn't happen too often, its usually the frame that's wrong and you notice before going too far and its fairly easy to start over.
So, here are some drawings I've never finished.

So whats wrong with this one?
basically I said, her eyes aren't big enough and her nose is too small.
Do I think its a bad drawing? No. I actually like this one, but I lost my inspiration when I didn't feel it was going quite right, and that's one of the hardest parts about being an artist.
this is another one
this one her eyes were too small, and because I had already detailed them I felt it wasn't fixable.
I actually like this one too, I think its shaded well, If I do say so myself :)

So, this post really makes it sound like I don't like being an artist
I really do, I have a lot of drawings I'm super happy with, despite the fact they didn't turn out "perfect". I enjoy drawing portraits more than anything.
I've actually come to like the imperfections in my art, I feel like they are the parts that make my drawings unique to me.
I do plan to finish those portraits though, I'll post them as soon as I do :)

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a nice day
<3 Melli

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hello Hello!

First. Blog. Ever.

So, A little about me?
I am an Artist, as you may have guessed, and I am attempting to start my own artists blog.
I draw portraits, scenery, animals.... etc.
I use graphite, oil pastels, and occasionally charcoal
how about some pictures? yeah?
                                                                   ...and Oil Pastels.

       <3 Melli