Friday, March 4, 2016

30 Day Art Challenge: Day 2

Hello Everybody!

This is Day 2, Sorta haha
Its a little bit late, because, a lot of stuff happened quite unexpectedly between day 1 and day 2!
But, I am getting back into it today!

Today's drawing was inspired by nature and I've always had some trouble with drawing trees, I decided to watch a tutorial on YouTube on how to draw trees, and it was very helpful to me
the drawing is similar to the one in the tutorial since I was drawing based off of what I saw in the video
I will link the video at the end of this Post :)

Anyways heres a video of the drawing, Enjoy!

Link to the tutorial I watched :)
How to Draw a Tree

Thanks for watching and Reading!
     <3 Melli

Saturday, February 27, 2016

30 Day Art Challenge: Day 1 (Eye)

For the first day I decided to do a little warm up
I'm very familiar with drawing eyes.
tomorrows drawing will be more difficult, and I'm going to be filming that one as well

Here's a short video of the process, I wasn't able to film it, but I periodically took pictures of the process :)

I hope you enjoyed day 1 of my challenge! Keep your eyes open for more!
Thanks for reading and watching
<3 Melli

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Friday, February 26, 2016

Oops! O.o


So, I am attempting to upload my first post for the 30 Day Art Challenge, but I started to upload the video, and it is taking a ridiculously long time to finish uploading...
its getting rather late here, So I won't be able to post the first day until tomorrow.

See you then!
Thanks for reading! :)
<3 Melli

Thursday, February 25, 2016

30 Day Art Challenge


I do apologize for the lack of posts lately
I've been having a creative block for quite some time now.

I'm going to challenge myself to draw a new picture every day for 30 days, I'm going to pull inspiration from my surroundings and try to make each drawing unique, They'll be anything from still life, to wild life to art studies (meaning the sole purpose of the drawing will be to practice techniques on certain angles, detail in hair etc..)
I will be writing about what inspired me to draw that particular drawing and I will try to video the process as well, I do not have a tri-pod or a good camera though, so that does make it a little difficult to do so.

My first drawing will be posted tomorrow, So keep an eye out for it! I hope you enjoy following me on my 30 day challenge, I look forward to seeing what I'll come up with and how much my drawing skills will improve! :)

Thank you for reading!

<3 Melli

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